My strongest quests would kill you traveler, you can’t handle my strongest quests. You better go to a guild that gives weaker quests.

An entry into the GMTK Game Jam 2023 with the theme: Roles Reversed

In this game, rather than  completing quests, you take on the role of the quest giver. You will need to decide who to give your quests. Everything is controlled by clicking on things with the mouse. Choose quickly, you have a time-limit (shown by the hourglass).

Your guild will gain reputation as more of your quests are completed. The better fit the quests are for the adventurer, the more reputation you will earn. As you reputation grows, you gain access to stronger characters and more dangerous quests. 

Music is from Steven Melin's Game Music Treasury pack.
Sound effects are from the GDC Free music pack
Most of the art was either made by me or adjusted google image searches.

Developer Notes:
This game feels artsy. I was sorta going for a Papers, Please vibe.  

I didn't program an ending or a credits scene, so you can play indefinitely. I considered showing a victory screen at 200 reputation but I liked being able to stop when I wanted. The only end possible is when you manage to kill 11 adventurers, which prompts a game over screen. This is because the max characters per day is 10, and there are only 21 characters.

I would have liked to add a more in-depth quest preference system that checked for specific objectives. This version only compares the quest difficulty to the character strength. There's some stuff in here like how likely they are to die to quests above their level, how likely they are to be insulted by low level quests, and how likely they are to fail, but I feel like the system could  be expanded. 

Not sure about the timing system. I made it pretty lenient but I think a better method to pressure the player could exist.  

I considered adding little voice sounds while a character was talking, but I didn't  have the time to get a voice sound for all the characters. I was also worried it would be annoying.

I significantly increased reputation gains for the jam so players can experience most of the game by day 20. Should take maybe 5 minutes or so. I think if I were to expand the title, I would lower these rates. Maybe have some guild upgrades you could purchase. 

I think added keyboard and controller shortcuts would be a great QoL addition. Didn't add it in because it was a jam and didn't want to spend too much time wrestling with my key/controller menus. 

If I had time, I for sure would refine the art style. Some of the characters don't really match the rest of the cast.

Thanks for playing, and please comment your thoughts on how it turned out! I welcome any criticism so don't hold back!


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got a bug where the dialouge wouldn't show up sometimes

most of the time i could just click an arrow and itd show up, but sometimes it just showed the reward button and i got softlocked

I think what you have so far is great! I absolutely love the art style and the vibe that the game gives off. Even some of the quest descriptions are hilarious to read since its so out of place but helps gives it a certain charm.

one problem i had was scrolling through all the quests before the day. It ended up getting pretty tedious quick

still fun tho