v1.16 Patch Notes


-Fixed random enemy targeting effects such as fireworks and beaver tail from occasionally ignoring size 2 and 3 enemies

-Fixed beaver tail triggering when the holder swapped backwards rather than forwards

-Removed the ability to move off of an event after it triggered if you held down the movement keys.

-Fixed stairs and campsites rapidly retriggering if you held down the movement keys while leaving them.

-Fixed being able to use consumables while travelling

-Fixed being able to use firewood on existing campsites and stairs

-Fixed size two enemies drawing themselves a second time when targeted by a multihit move.

-Fixed an issue where multitarget skills wouldn't trigger on kill.

-On kill effects should now check if any enemies died, not just the target. 

-On kill effects can now trigger multiple times if you kill multiple enemies with one skill.


-Updated Drop Off description

-Updated some status tooltips to be more consistent across all skills

-Updated all ally targeting skill tooltips to avoid confusion when targeting the caster

-Backpacks will now expand with an empty row if it is full to allow swapping. 


-Fireworks now has a higher base damage


-Prepared no longer gives a gray orb if you don't have one

-Self targeting skills can no longer trigger ally artifacts/equipment like megaphone or tinfoil hat

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